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M:尊敬的各位来宾,亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好!这里是数信学院首届“Show Me Show English”英语短剧大赛决赛的现场,欢迎大家的到来!


A:Ladies and gentlemen, Good evening! Welcome to the College of Mathematics & Information science, Northwest Normal University, the first English drama competition. We ere honored tonight to co-host the “Show Me Show English” competition.

M: I am Meico Lee, 李木子

A: I am Allan, 张青良,the English host tonight. Drama contains wisdom. And drama provides rich sources of knowledge and it helps us learn about other diverse culture. Taking part in the competition will bring us a lot of benefit. For example, it is a good opportunity for English learners to demonstrate not only their language skills, but also their performing to show their stories of the play.

M: 是的,我们的英语短剧大赛将表演与英语相结合,这种新颖的形式不仅可以让我们领略到别样的异国风情,而且还能让我们感受一下英语背景下的中国传统文化。参加这样的活动既锻炼了我们的英语表达能力,也提高了大家张口说英语的信心。今晚,我们希望可以为大家提供了一个轻松快乐的平台,让大家秀出自己的风采,秀出自己的才华。

A: Though we hold this competition the first time, it draws attention of lots of people here, it seems not exaggerated to say that this could be the most prestigious English drama competition on our campus.

M: 衷心地希望此次比赛能够取得圆满的成功,也希望它会是大家展现自我语言表达能力的好机会

A: We also hope that you, the audiences, will enjoy this exciting competition and benefit from what we hear and what we see.

M: 秀出自我,秀出英语。

A: Show Me Show English.

M: 现在我荣幸地向大家宣布数学与信息科学学院“Show Me Show English”英语短剧大赛正式开始!

A: Now let’s start from meeting our honorable judges for tonight.

M: 让我们欢迎来自外国语学院的 老师。

A: Welcome!Miss , teacher of College of Music.

M: 欢迎您!外国语学院 老师。

A: Welcome!Professor , English teacher of College of Foreign Language.

M: 欢迎!数学与信息科学学院团委书记丁润波老师。

A: Mr. Yang Zhicheng, the deputy secretary in Chinese Communist Youth League Committee of College of Mathematics & Information Science, Northwest Normal University.

M: 让我们用热烈的掌声对他们的到来表示衷心的感谢和诚挚的欢迎!

A: Thank you! Thank you all! Thanks for your applause.

M: 比赛的评分规则为:每支参赛班级代表队的表演中,内容2分,表演4分,语言表达2分,创新性2分,满分为10分。

A: Yes, we have heard that the most important part is the performance. Of course, we couldn’t neglect other parts. Well, I wish each class had a good performance!

M: Allan,你听过“孔雀东南飞,五里一徘徊”吗?

A:Yeah, I know, I know the poem you chant. It’s 《孔雀东南飞》,a poem of 《乐府诗集》. And it tells us a melancholy and romantic love story.

M: 嗯,确实如此,《孔雀东南飞》中,焦仲卿和刘兰芝在封建思想束缚的挣扎中最终选择双双殉情,化为永生相伴的鸳鸯,仰头相向鸣,夜夜达五更。这个故事被后人广为传颂,那么08数2班的同学为我们演绎这段浪漫的爱情故事将会有怎样的结局呢,让我们拭目以待吧!

A: Ok!Now let us enjoy their play together. (Applause!)

A: Thank you! Thank you all the charming performers. Well, I did not expect that they could play so well. Oh, haw-haw it’s too interesting.


A:Then, what’s that story about?

M: 这个故事讲的是,在19世纪末的欧洲,荒地出现了一座移动城堡,传说城堡中的邪恶巫师哈尔会吃掉姑娘的心。

A: Next,let us all enjoy the 《Howl’s Moving castle》, from 20XX level math class 3



A: Ok. 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Remove the highest mark 0,0 and the minimum 0.0, the final score for 《孔雀东南飞》is 0.0. congratulations!


A: Do you know? In my childhood, my mother used to tell me some beautiful fairy tales, such us 《Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs》、《sleeping beauty》、《Cinderella》、《Three Little Pigs and the Bad Wolf》and so on.

M:哎,对了Allan , 你刚才提到了一个故事《Cinderella》――《灰姑娘》,对吧?

A: Yes, I’ve mentioned it just now. And the Cinderella has a beautiful dress and beautiful crystal shoes.


A:Please enjoy!

A:Thank you! More applause, please!

M: 接下来让我们一起关注二号作品《哈尔的移动城堡》的得分情况。请评委亮分。0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0, 0.0,去掉一个最高分0.0分,去点一个最低分0.0分,二号作品《哈尔的移动城堡》的最终得分为0.0分。

A: Congratulations!Shakespeare, as well known, is a great writer from England. He had so many excellent works. And 《The Merchant of Venice》is just one of them.

M: 故事中,安东尼奥忠厚仁义,为了帮助朋友不顾自己的安危,而夏洛克狡猾奸诈,总是在想方设法地加害别人,最终还是安东尼奥美丽的妻子―鲍西亚,用自己的智慧挽救了丈夫的生命。

A: Now,welcome those beautiful girls from 20XX level math class 1 to play《the Merchant of Venice》.


A: Thank you! Beauties! Now let’s pay attention to the third performance.

M: 请评委亮分。

A: Ok,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Remove the highest mark 0,0 and the minimum 0.0, the final score for 《Cinderella》is 0.0.


A: 《吻别》,from Yang Kailong.

M: 有请杨凯龙。

A: Thank you! That is a beautiful song. Well,let’s continue to our competition.

M: Allan, have you ever heard about Chang’e?

A: Of course. She is a pretty fairy in Chinese ancient myths. And she lives on the moon.


A: I think we are lucky today. We will meet Chang’e on stage in reality. Why don’t we go and enjoy it? Ok, let’s go!



A: En, it’s very funny and humorous. Ok,now let’s pay a close attention to the final score of the forth drama.

M:请评委亮分,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0, 0.0,去掉一个最高分0.0分,去点一个最低分0.0分,四号作品《威尼斯的商人》的最终得分为0.0分。

A: Congratulations! Hey, Meico, have you ever read the book 《Jane Eyre》?

M: 你说的是《简爱》吧?

A: Yes,you ere right! 《Jane Eyre》is a very famous novel. It describes Jane’s harsh life that she lost her parents and was sent to live with her aunt in her early childhood. During this time she had endured the pain and those injustices which people could not imagine.


A: Let us enjoy it together!


A: 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Remove the highest mark 0,0 and the minimum 0.0, the final score for 《Chang’e Xuanxu》is 0.0. Congratulations!

A: 你想要啊?Meico,你要是想要的话你就说话嘛,你不说我怎么知道你想要呢,虽然你很有诚意地看着我,可是你还是要跟我说你想要的。你真的想要吗?那你就拿去吧!你不是真的想要吧?难道你真的想要吗?……

M: Allan, 你是在模仿《大话西游》里的唐三藏吗?


M: Will they? Just enjoy it!

A: Thank you! Thank you!


A: Now, the competition will soon be over. At first, Please allow me to show you the final scores of the last two classes, and next , we will announce the winner tonight.


A: 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0, 0.0.


A: Congratulations!


A: 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0, 0.0.


A: Congratulations!


A:《I am yours》, from Ren Xingming. Please enjoy it!


A: 获得三等奖的班级是 ,有请 老师为他们颁奖。

M:谢谢 老师。获得二等奖的班级是 ,有请 老师为获奖者代表颁奖。

A: 谢谢 老师。同学们,最激动人心的时候到了,现在请允许我向大家宣布获得一等奖的班级是 。

M:有请 老师为获奖班级代表颁奖。

A:Congratulations to the classes all above.


A: English helps us know more about western culture, and it expends our mind and horizon. You will make a lot of friends if you could speak English fluently.


A : Well,Ladies and gentlemen!


A: Thank you all the teachers and participators. Have a nice weekend!

M:同学们 再见!

